
* What's this? [#gf824c1a]
- This is See-through display type Glass Device which is made by all Maker-Style like Google Glass. But this has some restrictions.


**Restrictions [#qbbf09b7]
***Functions [#y6a2f741]
-See-Through Display
-Gesture Controlling System
--Take pictures
--Show pictures
***Making Rules [#d7dd789f]
--Handmade with desktop fabrication
--Buy from D.I.Y shop or Amazon
--Use Open Source Software

***Desktop Fabrication [#be96bcc0]
-3D Printer
-CNC Milling Machine
-Miter Saw
-Jig Saw
-Fab on kitchen

**The items to prepare [#pf8fb4ed]
*** Hardware [#b677c0d6]
-Small Computer
-Projector for See-Through Display
--[[PP003 Portable Pocket Projector:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004CSZVDM/]]
--[[Xtion(Like Kinect):http://www.asus.com/Multimedia/Motion_Sensor/Xtion_PRO/]]
-Short range focus lens for Kinect
*** Software [#rf48f54d]
-- [[Linaro13.03:https://releases.linaro.org/13.03/android/panda/]]
-- [[OpenNI:http://www.openni.org/]]

* Materials [#r42cac6f]
*** Presentation [#df7387dd]
-[[Try to Make Google Glass by Maker Style:http://www.slideshare.net/noritsuna/try-to-make-google-glass-by-maker-style-24914003]]

*** Source code & Binary [#d2fafe90]
-Coming Soon

***Contact us [#d137417e]
- info (at) siprop (dot) org

*Speech & Show demonstration [#cc4878ad]
***Demonstration [#w13975ae]
-[[Maker Faire 2013 Bay area:http://makerfaire.com/bayarea/2013/]]
-[[Mini Maker Faire HongKong 2013:http://hkmakerfaire.wordpress.com/2013/08/21/photos-for-hong-kong-mini-maker-faire-2013-2/]]

***Media [#f29ec139]
-[[Nikkei Linux Oct/2013:http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20130830/501388/]]
***Referred [#k71ea390]

***Contact us [#f59658a7]
- info (at) siprop (dot) org

*How To Make [#nff73459]
**See-Through Display [#o5ca58ad]

-Mini-Projecter for SmartPhone
--[[PP003 Portable Pocket Projector:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004CSZVDM/]] from Amazon
-Half-Mirror type Sun Shielding Film
--as Screen for See-Throuhgh from D.I.Y Shop.
-Parts from 3D Printer
--Handmade by 3D Printer

***Disassenbly Projector [#z73c26d0]
-Cut Projector Cover to Match Size 

***Connect Powor Cable & RCA Cable as USB [#k70db38a]
-Change to thin cable

***Make a new back cover by 3D Printer [#l47d54c2]
-The original back cover has a battery.

***Make a focus tube by 3D Printer [#o95ba384]
-This projector's screen size is 4 inch. However 4 inch is too big for ocular screen.
--Change screen size 4 to 1 inch by long tube.

***Make a screen cover & Setup the Ocular lens [#lb32a33c]
-This projector light is very weak & require the ocular lens for very short distance to eye.
--Make the screen cover by 3D printer

--Setup the ocular lens

***Make a screen by Half-Mirror type Sun Shielding Film and Use Jig Saw [#f03ee7f7]
-A first screen is for for the ocular lens. A second screen is for your eye.
--3 kinds of transparency coefficient. 50% for the first screen, 5% for the second screen
--Setup the first screen for the ocular lens

--Setup the second screen for your eye

***Finish [#r6d62034]

**Gesture System [#vce29835]

-[[Xtion Pro LIVE:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005UHB8EK/]]
--Depth Camera like Kinect device
--Short range focus lens for Kinect
-Parts from CNC Milling Machine
--Require high strength parts

***Make a mount system on Glasses [#necf482f]
-Made by aluminium.
--Xtion is so heavy. Therefore high strength parts.


***Connect Glasses Clip and Mount Board on Base-Glasses [#te5004cb]
-First try is only screw. However screw's mount is very weak.
--Use soldering Iron as Brazing

***Light Weight-nize [#e22575a4]
-Xtion is so heavy.

***Mount Short range focus lens for Kinect [#i820f7f2]
-Put [[ZOOM:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0050SYS5A/]] on Xtion by glue.

***Finish [#t4f22c8c]

**Setup Linaro/Android & Custom Kernel [#j9f9a5df]
+Setup [[Linaro/Android13.03:https://releases.linaro.org/13.03/android/panda/]] from binary
++Install Linaro Tools
  $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-maintainers/tools
  $ sudo apt-get update
  $ sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools
++Get Binaries
++Install Linaro/Android to SD Card.
+++Change /dev/sdX to your SD Card.
 sudo ./linaro-image-tools/linaro-android-media-create --mmc /dev/sdX --dev panda --boot boot.tar.bz2 --system system.tar.bz2 --userdata userdata.tar.bz2
++Install graphics libraries
  $ wget http://people.linaro.org/~vishalbhoj/install-binaries-4.0.4.sh
  $ chmod a+x install-binaries-4.0.4.sh
  $ ./install-binaries-4.0.4.sh
+Setup USB FS
++Edit "/init.rc"
~ Add a following line under "on boot"
 mount usbfs none /proc/bus/usb -o devmode=0666

**Setup OpenNI [#t1e98d95]
-Please look at [[OpenNI section of TreasureHuntingRobot:http://www.siprop.org/en/2.0/index.php?product%2FTreasureHuntingRobot]]

**Setup OpenCV [#o7c03d6d]
-Please look at [[Appendix of Nikkei Linux Oct/2013:http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20130830/501387/]]
-Please look at [[Nikkei Linux Oct/2013:http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20130830/501388/]]

**Make original home application on Android [#p4115084]
-Please look at [[Nikkei Linux Oct/2013:http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20130830/501388/]]
-Please look at [[Appendix of Nikkei Linux Oct/2013:http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20130830/501387/]]

**Make a gesture controlling system [#q9e50a45]
-Please look at [[Nikkei Linux Oct/2013:http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20130830/501388/]]